Karte des Besitzers Nilaya - Flatio
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Nilaya M.
Las Terrenas
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Über mich
Hi there! My name is Nilaya and I'm the property manager here. I'm happy to meet you today! I take care of managing this property and I'm here to answer any questions you have about the place and the leasing process.
I am a passionate professional with experience in managing teams and volunteer programs. Currently, I contribute as a volunteer recruiter at the Aldeas de Paz Foundation. In addition, I work as a manager for the Nilaya Residence. In my free time, I love to express my creativity through painting and drawing. I also find peace in reading and enjoy the energy of going to the beach and playing sports.

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2 Tagen
Registrierung zu Flatio
Mai 2024

Nilaya ist geprüfter Besitzer.
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